Sell Insights



The ‘smell’ of your home, either good or bad, can leave a lasting impression on buyers. – Avoid cooking spicy food, onions, fish, garlic or anything fried prior to a viewing. As you will be accustomed to the smell of your property, ask a family member or friend to give you their honest opinion.

  • Have you had smokers or pets in your property’ Place fresh cut flowers in the ‘most important’ rooms’- the kitchen and the living room. Flowers will make your home smell fresh and add colour.
  • Consider having your home professionally cleaned.


Clutter can have a negative affect on your property by making rooms appear smaller, distract potential buyers from seeing the good features, and give them the impression that your home has not been well maintained.

  • De-clutter by using storage boxes. Mark them clearly to save time when you later need to open them. Put these boxes into storage. A cheaper alternative is to ask a friend or relative to store them temporarily.


A buyer will pay more for a property that appears spacious. To achieve this:

  • Maximise natural light by opening the blinds and curtains
  • If it is a house, consider installing a skylight
  • Hang mirrors strategically to give the impression of extra space
  • Paint low ceilings white to add to the impression of height
  • Do not use dark colours in small spaces
  • Prune trees and shrubs that are blocking light into the property


The way that furniture is positioned in a room can affect how spacious and cosy it feels.

  • Always keep the entrance to a room clear so that potential buyers don’t have to walk around obstacles.
  • If your furniture is looking dated and letting your presentation down, consider hiring furniture and/or a professional stylist.


Accessories must complement the colour scheme and theme of the room. These items should not be an overpowering feature, but can include throw pillows or throw rugs, vases, candles, lamps, artwork and flowers.

  • Remove old and dated ornaments
  • Visit display homes and apartments to gain decorating ideas


  • Keep lawns freshly mown and gardens tidy
  • Open up the doors and windows (weather and insects permitting) well before inspection time to air out the place
  • Remove your cars from the property, and try to keep some parking spaces free in the street outside your property (not always possible)
  • Don’t leave pets at home during viewings
  • Don’t throw clutter into cupboards because potential buyers are usually ‘nosey’
  • Don’t leave dirty laundry, or dirty dishes, anywhere
  • Ensure your bathrooms sparkle
  • Don’t hang around during inspections. Let your agent handle this vital role


If you have plenty of time to plan a sale, talk to your real estate agent about the best time to sell. If you own a house and want to show off the gardens then Spring is when they will be looking their best.

The problem with Spring is that it is when the majority of properties are marketed. If less competition appeals then consider Winter, but your property will probably look less appealing in the colder months. It’s a balancing act best solved by advice from your real estate agent.